If you’re anything like Carrie Bradshaw, you’re an early adopter of fashion trends and can wear even the edgiest of styles with confidence. You can easily switch up your looks depending on the day or occasion, but your staple stilettos always say sexy and feminine.

Plunging necklines, bold colors and big accessories defines Samantha Jones’ style. A Samantha oozes sexuality and but can never be defined by her fashion sense. But like her style, a Samantha is confident and in control.

Charlotte’s go-to looks are Ralph Lauren and Brooks Brothers heavy. If you are a new millennium prep, you can identify with Charlotte’s sweet looks with all the matching accessories.

If you’re a Miranda, you have it all… a flourishing career, a beautiful family and great friends. But juggling it all while looking chic isn’t always realistic. Sporting casual gear is more your speed. After all, for the Mirandas of the world, comfort is key.